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At AIMS Industrial, we love to receive ideas on how we can work together with our patrons, partners and peers -- referred to as ‘community members’ -- by building a community that shares useful knowledge within engineering, industrial, maintenance and safety professionals. 

We want to keep the topics relatable, relevant, simple and useful for them, who are mostly:  

  • Carpenters, electricians, glazers, painters, plumbers, roofers, welders and woodworkers 
  • Facilities and maintenance officers 
  • Machinists, milwrights, mechanics and technicians 
  • Procurement and purchasing officers 
  • Safety and compliance officers 
  • Small business owners and persons conducting businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) 
  • Hobbyists 


Content Eligibility Requirements 

Your contributions and submissions -- referred to as ‘content’ -- may qualify for publishing on our channels, provided: 

  • You are its rightful author/owner. 
  • You do not expect us to give you compensation of any sort in return, although we may occasionally offer vouchers as a token of appreciation for selected content formats. 
  • It does not violate any copyright law, and any mention of claims and references from external sources is attributed accordingly. 
  • It has no heavy branding and hard sell, although prudently mentioned non-competing brands, products, services, activities, initiatives and events are acceptable. 
  • It does not contradict or interfere with our own marketing activities. 
  • It does not promote our competitors. 
  • It has your permission to be published. 
  • It is not plagiarized. 
  • It is not meant to personally identifiable information (PII) for your purposes of lead generation and marketing. 


Content Formats 

Your content may be submitted to us in written, visual and motion format and published in our blog as: 

  • Articles, product announcements and news releases 
  • Research reports and white papers 
  • Illustrations and infographics 
  • Videos 



We don’t have by-lines in our blog, but we will discreetly mention you and/or your brand as the guest contributor of the published content. 


Syndicated content 

You may ask us to republish existing content from your website, provided: 

  • You give us the link to the original post for proper attribution and URL canonicalization. 
  • We reserve the right to apply the links on our version to merit our SEO efforts. 


General conditions
By submitting your content for publishing, you agree for AIMS: 

  • To review it prior to publishing (where applicable). 
  • To edit it for clarity, relevance and style (where appropriate). 
  • To optimise it for search engine visibility. 
  • To publish it on our channels. 

We reserve the right:

  • To reject any content submission request for any reason. 
  • To update this programme without prior notice. 


Interested in getting published? Please send your submissions to