How to Get a Shipping Cost Estimate

Get a shipping cost estimate for a single product/SKU.

  1. On the specific page of the product for which you want to get a shipping cost estimate, scroll down to the "Calculate Shipping" section.
  2. On the Qty field, enter the quantity of items you want to order.
    • Alternatively, you can use the (-) or (+) buttons on the side of the box to indicate your desired number.
  3. From the drop-down list, select a Country and enter a valid postcode in the adjacent box.
    • The Country field is where you want the product delivered.
    • "Australia" is selected by default.
  4. Click on CALCULATE.
    • You will see the updated shipping and delivery options based on the information you have provided. (Occasionally, based on weights & dimensions, Express is cheaper than standard shipping so it is worth reviewing all available options.)

aims industrial shipping calculation for single item

(Sample image for illustration only)


Get a shipping cost estimate for multiple products.

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your account.
  2. On your Shopping Cart page, make sure you’ve selected the right quantities per SKU.
  3. Scroll down to the Shipping Calculator.
  4. From the drop-down list, select a Country and enter a valid postcode on the box below it.
    • The Country field is where you want the order delivered.
    • "Australia" is selected by default.
    • You will see the updated shipping and delivery options based on the information you have provided. (Occasionally, based on weights & dimensions, Express is cheaper than standard shipping so it is worth reviewing all available options.) 

aims industrial shipping calculation for multiple items

(Sample image for illustration only)


No shipping method available?

  • Email us at or contact us through the chatbox and we’ll provide a quote offline.
  • Due to Covid-19 restrictions, our freight carriers have temporarily suspended international shipping to some countries.