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Highway Patch Rapid Set Repair Mortar

  • A patented hydraulic rapid set cement repair mortar that provides high early strengths, high bonding strengths, and precision non-shrink performance.
  • Unlike other accelerated materials, Highway Patch does not show excessive volume changes, excessive heat generation, or contain any harmful or corrosive compounds.
  • It provides users with the economic advantage of adding up to 60% pea gravel (6-10 mm) extension without forming excessive voids, reduced workability, or long term durability deterioration.


  • Highways
  • Pavements
  • Ramps
  • Airport runways


  • High bond strength, precision non-shrink, very rapid strength gain
  • Effective 60% extension
  • Resilient to fuel and oils and excellent freeze/thaw capability
  • No noxious fumes or odors


  • AIMS SKU A0124429
  • Brand Epirez
  • Model Number E991605
  • Type Patch Rapid Set Repair Mortar
  • Size (kg) 15
SKU: A0124429 On Sale

Epirez® Highway Patch Rapid Set Repair Mortar 15kg

Highway Patch Rapid Set Repair Mortar

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