How to Edit Your Shipping Details

You can list multiple shipping addresses under your account.

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your account.
  2. Click on Edit My Address Book.
    • You will be taken to the "Add or Edit Address Book Entry" page.
    • You can add, edit or remove addresses here.
  3. Enter your information in the fields under "Address Details".
    • If you have more than one address, you can add them later on.
  4. Click SAVE ADDRESS.
    • When you've successfully added the address, you will see a box that reads "Address Updated Successfully".


To add a new address:

  1. Select Add New Entry in the drop-down list under "Add a new address or edit an existing address".
  2. Enter your information in the fields under "Address Details".
    • If you have more than one address, you can add them later on.
  3. Click SAVE ADDRESS.
    • When you've successfully added the address, you will see a box that reads "Address Updated Successfully".


To update an address:

  1. Select the address name from the drop-down list under "Add a new address or edit an existing address".
    • The specific address details will be displayed.
  2. Edit the values of fields that require new information.
  3. Click SAVE ADDRESS.
    • When you've successfully added the address, you will see a box that reads "Address Updated Successfully".


To delete an address:

  1. Select the address name from the drop-down list under "Add a new address or edit an existing address".
    • The specific address details will be displayed.
    • When you've successfully deleted the address, you will see a box that reads "Address Removed Successfully".