How to Create an AIMS Online Account

  1. Start on this page (click to view).
  2. Under the "New Customer? Create an Account" section, fill in the Email Address field with a valid email address.
    • Make sure you are using an active email address, as we will send all updates and account-related correspondence there.
  3. In the Password field, enter your preferred password.
  4. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter your preferred password.
    • If the passwords match, you can proceed to the next field.
  5. In the Business, Individual or Reseller? field, choose the appropriate type that describes your account.
    • Business: If you represent a company 
    • Individual
    • Reseller: If you are a wholesale customer
  6. In the Job Title field, enter the title that best describes your role in the business.
    • If your account type is "Individual", enter "N/A".
  7. In the Number of employees field, select a range from the list.
    • If your account type is "Individual", choose "N/A".
  8. In the Industry field, select an applicable industry where your business belongs.
    • If your account type is "Individual", choose "N/A".
  9. Tick the checkbox that reads "Subscribe to our newsletter and we'll keep you up to date on our products and services."
    • This is an optional step, but we highly recommend that you opt in so you don't miss important updates and promotions.
  10. Tick the checkbox that reads "I have read and agree to Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy."
    • This is a mandatory step, so please make sure you have read the contents of those two pages.
    • You will be taken to your Account Summary page, which we highly recommend you save as a bookmark in your browser.
    • You will also receive a welcome email from us sent to the email address you used to create your account.

(Sample image for illustration only)


For existing users, you can log in to your account here.